My Clinical Plan Features


To access my clinical plan, you will log in into the portal. Once logged in click Profile at the top of the page.

Now once you are in your profile you will see the My Clinical Plan

You will see 4 bold stats here.

Forecasted Clinical Bound Term: This will be your bound term
Assigned Clinical Bound Date: This will be the date you are assigned to attend Clinical Bound
Regional Clinical Faculty (RCF): This will be who your assigned RCF is
Clinical Credential Coordinator: This will be your assigned Clinical Credentialing Coordinator
Now if you look below these. You will see the sites you have been assigned by your RCF.

If you see the red octagon with the exclamation mark, that means it has not been approved for you to start there yet (if you hover over it, it will give you more information). If it is a green checkmark, you have been approved. 

Now if you click the grey arrow on the left next to the site it will give you more information about that site.

You will also see a blue circle with an "i". If you hover over these you will see more information.

Site Code: This will be the unique identifier of this particular site
City:         The city the site is located in
State:       The state this site is located in
Rotation Start Date: Your start date
Rotation End Date:   Your end date
View Contract:    This will be the contract for you and the clinical site.
Preceptor:   Name of your assigned preceptor 
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