Videos stop playing after a few seconds



If you are watching videos on the web and they stop playing after a few seconds and will not resume playback, this may be due to hardware accelerated video decoding on low-end machines.

Try the following steps to resolve this issue.

Disable Hardware Acceleration

  • Open Google Chrome web browser
  • Type chrome://flags in the address bar


  • Using the search feature, type: hardware-accelerated video decode; or scroll down until you see the heading with the same name.
  • Click the drop-down box and change from Enabled to Disabled.


  • After Disabling Hardware-accelerated video decode, a pop-up will appear at the bottom of the page indicating the changes will take effect after relaunching Chrome; Go ahead and click Relaunch Now.


  • Once Chrome relaunches, navigate to the video in question and attempt playback. If the issue was related to hardware acceleration it should be resolved now.
  • If you continue to have issues, please reach out to FNU Support for further assistance @ 859-251-4545 or email


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